Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are foods in which the DNA (genetic material) is altered to be resistant to disease, harsh weather conditions and to have a longer potential shelf life. Foods are also engineered to contain more nutrients than non-GMOs, taste better and appear richer in color. The research to date as to whether GMOs have an adverse effect on human health has not been established,[i],[ii],[iii] and thus the vast majority of scientists support the process as it reduces the use of pesticides, produces food with more desirable traits, while increasing the world's food supply. [iv],[v],[vi]
The FDA's policy is to require a specific label if there are significant differences in composition or differences that are pertinent to health, but the research to date has not found any such differences between GMO and non GMO foods which are currently approved for sale.[i] Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration has yet to mandate labeling of foods which contain GMOs. In the US, 80% of many major crops are grown from genetically engineered seed and 70% of processed foods contain GMOs.[ii],[iii]
What is dotFIT's Position on the use of GMOs?
dotFIT will continue to stay abreast of the science related to GMOs in order to maintain product development accordingly with evidence-based guidelines. For those who opt to consume GMO-free foods, we offer a 100% non-GMO Best Plant Protein and other non-GMO products listed below. All products listed here are non-GMO based on passing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing*. Due to the complexities and expense of the actual certification process including certifying the myriad individual raw materials in each batch of each product, manufacturers choose to opt out to help pass on the savings to customers. The exception is our Best Plant Protein, which goes through the certification process and hence the extra expense.
GMO Free dotFIT Products
- Alln1 SuperBlend
- ActiveMV
- WomensMV
- Over50MV
- SleepAid
- SuperiorAntioxidant
- SuperCalcium+
- UltraProbiotic
- DigestiveEnzymes
- AdvancedBrainHealth
- WeightLoss&LiverSupport
- CarbRepel
- ThermAccel
- Recover&Build
- All Natural WheySmooth
- BestPlantProtein
- WorkoutExtreme
- JointSkinCollagen+
- PB&J dotBAR
"Almost" GMO Free dotFIT Products
- Crisp bar soy proteins are GMO Free, but the infinitesimal amount of soy lecithin (used as an emulsifier) is from a GMO source
*PCR Testing for GMOs
The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test method, which analyzes the DNA directly, is conducted in a laboratory. PCR is recognized as being more sensitive and reliable than any other GMO test method.
The PCR test method can detect all commercialized GMOs in agricultural products, can precisely quantify the amount of genetically modified DNA in a sample, can detect GMO content in a wide range of processed foods, and can detect GMOs in extremely low concentrations.
PCR is the industry standard used worldwide to verify contracts, ensure regulatory compliance, and validate non-GMO claims.
[6] Bett, Charles; Ouma, James Okuro; Groote, Hugo De (August 2010). "Perspectives of gatekeepers in the Kenyan food industry towards genetically modified food". Food Policy 35 (4): 332–340. doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2010.01.003.